Friday, August 5, 2011

Top ten things your wife doesn't want to hear at 7 & 1/2 months pregnant. -Ryan

  1. "I just don't know how you're going to get any bigger!" 
  2. "It's not that hot, why are you sweating so much?"
  3. "I bet having a baby is going to hurt."  
  4. "Are you sure there's just ONE baby in there?"
  5. "You know just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you get off your bedroom duties." 
  6. "You know I would carry the baby if I could, but I can't." 
  7. "Let me guess, you want to talk about the baby?""
  8. "Wow, all those hormones sure are bad for your skin." 
  9. "Don't you think you've had enough to eat?" 
  10. "My first wife barely showed."

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the one where Dad won't shut up about the ladies getting bigger, when all that means for Mom is super sore ladies and back pain...
