So on our good intentions board, we'll be trying out a few things. But if it doesn't work out, I'll chalk it up to what friend of mine once told me, "nothing will take the hippie out of you like having a baby."
Breast feeding
Yes, I'm talking about boobies. Everyone is telling us that breastfeeding is crazy important. It gives your baby antibodies, helps with her immune system, cuts down on the cost of formula, & just all sorts of other wonderful benefits. Mrs. Manning (our birthing class teacher) said just about everything a person can (without begging us) to stress the importance of breastfeeding.
So why wouldn't Katherine want to breastfeed?
I know you women out there are like "duh?", but I am going to assume I'm talking to a bunch of dudes.

Being that I have no real role in this, (other than running filled plastic baggies out to the freezer for storage) I can only hope that Katherine can keep it up, but I'll support her regardless.
Cloth Diapers
This is definitely something that will directly effect me. Katherine got about 20 of these one size fits all Baby Genius reusable diapers from a friend, and they honestly look intimidating. Snaps are all over this thing and pads are to be stuffed inside of a mysterious pocket deep within. The clean up on these diapers are pretty alarming, as well with sprays to buy and proper laundry bins for soiled ones. The benefits that cloth provides in cost alone is worth the shot. So in an attempt to figure these things out we started researching some videos and found this bunch All Natural Mama Blog. They gave us a nice run down as to how they work, but after watching I already felt a little wore out. I hope we can develop a system as efficient as they have.
I'm sure this is one of those blogs I may laugh at in just a few months from now, but I think if you aim high, then you're more likely to land in the middle if you fall.
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