Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The remodel

Less then two months left and I feel like we are making a mad dash to the finish line!  Time to finish up a bunch of preplanned projects before Miss Molly comes!

Our hopes lay on turning our upstairs "mother-in-laws" suite, into an all round real apartment. This calls for a remodel to the kitchen, outside entrance, and a fresh paint job. I wish I had taken more photos before we got started, but here are some during shots.

 Here we have the outside entrance leading on up to the apartment.
A very poor shot taken from the top.
This room will be the foyer. When you walk in, the closet will be to your left and main bedroom dead ahead.
 This very messy room is the bedroom. The door you see in the picture leads to the bathroom (no pic) and the other room off this takes you into the kitchen.
        (My room looked just like this up until I got married.)
 Once again, I have given you a very poor photo. This (once completed) will be the kitchen, at least the window.
This is the internal stairway leading to the bottom level. We are running plumbing up threw a step, blocking off the door, and creating a laundry area.
My favorite room, the living area. Hardwood floors and a very well done hardwood ceiling makes this a very fun room to entertain in.

I will be sure to post more pictures once all the hard work is over so you can see the finished product.

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